Regeringsvliegtuig vervangen zonder aanbesteding door Business Jet Boeing 737
Laatst geupdate op april 7, 2017 door redactie
Het Fokker KBX-regeringsvliegtuig dat volgens Minister Schulz aan vervanging toe is*, wordt zonder nadere aanbesteding vervangen door een Boeing 737. Een eerdere aanbesteding voor het vervangen van het regeringsvliegtuig leverde geen inschrijvers (Red AN: d.i. 4 ongeldige inschrijvingen) op. Daarop is de Minister nagegaan of er met 1 of meer inschrijvers een exclusieve onderhandeling (d.i. zonder aanbesteding) kon worden ingegaan. Dan kan het ineens miraculeus wel en Boeing gaat daarvoor de 737 leveren. Schulz laat ook weten dat het oude Fokkertoestel “zeer binnenkort wordt verkocht”.

Het nieuwe toestel biedt eveneens ruimte aan 24 passagiers en de CO2 uitstoot is 20% lager dan bij de KBX. Het voorlopige koopcontract met Boeing is getekend. Eind van deze maand wordt een definitief koopcontract getekend. Begin 2019 wordt het nieuwe regeringsvliegtuig opgeleverd. De netto-vervangingskosten zijn €89 miljoen inclusief belasting, met de huidige wisselkoers.
Voor “de operatie en het onderhoud” van de oude Fokker wordt binnenkort een aanbesteding uitgeschreven. Geïnteresseerd publiek kan op 3 juni op de luchtbasis Woensdrecht afscheid nemen van de Fokker, die dan ter bezichting is voor het algemeen publiek.
Bron: Brief Minister IenM, dd 4 april 2017, IENM/BSK-2017/91890
*Of het toestel daadwerkelijk aan vervanging toe is wordt op diverse vliegtuigfora in twijfel getrokken.
Zie ook:
Alleen ongeldige inschrijvingen op aanbesteding regeringsvliegtuig
Aanbesteders gunnen ingetrokken opdrachten naderhand alsnog
Blijkens de Tweede Nota van Toelichting vroegen de inschrijvers op de aanbesteding, of pre-owned vliegtuigen niet voorgetrokken werden met de uitvraag, gegeven de gestelde eisen. Het was juist de wens van de Tweede Kamer om een tweedehands vliegtuig te kopen. Er komt nu een heel nieuw vliegtuig.
Ook valt op aan de stukken dat er om een bankgarantie is gevraagd, wat een zware eis is, omdat het een claim legt op het bedrijfskapitaal. Een inschrijver vraagt of een minder kapitaalbindende oplossing mogelijk is.
The contracting authority requests a bank guarantee and a mortgage – this means that after the payment of max 60%, a double security (mortgage and bank guarantee) is given to the contract authority for their 60% pre-payment. This means that the mortgage that is issued to the state, is partly balanced by the 60% first payment to seller, however the bank guarantee is deducted from the credit line of our company, as well as the conversion cost, and other costs which also have been paid up front by our company. The prepayment before delivery seems to be very generous but in the proposed schedule it can lead that the capital “tied-up” in the conversion period that can exceeds in some stages 140% of the final purchase price of the aircraft, it is better to have not a pre-payment at all.Is a less capital tying solution possible?
Daarop laat men de eis voor een hypotheek vallen en wordt verwezen naar de Escrow Agreement als alternatief voor een bankgarantie, een derdenrekening waarbij het geld wordt veiliggesteld. Die derdenrekening moet dan wel worden afgesloten bij de ABN AMRO.
The obligation to provide a Mortgage will be deleted and the revised version of Aircraft Sale and Conversion Agreement (both Versions A and B) will no longer contain any reference thereto. Please refer to the response to Question 70 of this Information Memorandum.
Met de derdenrekening als alternatief is een der inschrijvers ook niet heel gelukkig. De inschrijvers vragen of het toch niet op een andere manier kan. Daarop herhaalt de aanbestedende dienst hoe dat precies werkt met een Tender.
We suggest to put the pre-payments in an escrow account with the same conditions as the bank guarantee, to pay the the full purchase price of the aircraft after acceptance on the final delivery date and against the five million euro 180 day bank guarantee with the conditions as mentioned in the tender document. This solution will avoid an unnecessary tie-up of our companies credit facilities/double guarantee/mortgage and the very complicated mortgage construction of a possibly non-PH registered aircraft which has to become PH during the conversion. Would the above suggested solution be acceptable for the contracting authority?
Hadden we het maar nooit gevraagd, moet de inschrijver gedacht hebben. Want daarop antwoordt het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu een a4’tje met daarin de 8 stappen naar een derdenrekening. Dat plakken we hieronder.
De redactie van Aanbestedingsnieuws vindt het niet echt een wonder dat er geen geldige inschrijvingen zijn binnengekomen. En er gebeuren nog wel zo veel wonderen met aanbestedingen.
Het alternatief van een derdenrekening voor als het niet lukt om een bankgarantie af te sluiten:
The Contracting Authority offers the Seller the choice of either (i) providing a Bank Guarantee that meets the requirements of Clause 14.1 (as amended) or (ii) entering into an Escrow Agreement with ABN AMRO Bank N.V. acting as Escrow Agent, the Seller and the Purchaser, pursuant whereto the Purchaser will make the payments required by Clause 13.1.1(a) to (g) into the Escrow Account.Such Escrow Agreement is to provide as follows:
1) the Escrow Agent will pay the balance of the Escrow Account (including any interest accrued) to the Purchaser after the expiry of a 30 Business Days period following the presentation by the Purchaser to the Escrow Agent of a written notice, duly executed by the Purchaser and given to the Escrow Agent in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Escrow Agreement (with a copy being simultaneously given to the Seller) confirming that Seller’s Payment Obligations have become due and payable, unless and except to the extent the Seller shall have initiated arbitration or legal proceedings in accordance with Clause 20 of the Aircraft Sale and Conversion Agreement, prior to the expiration of the aforesaid 30 Business Day period, contesting the relevant Seller’s Payment Obligations being due and payable. If the Seller has initiated such arbitration or legal proceedings against the Purchaser, the Escrow Agent shall upon presentation to it by the Seller or the Purchaser of a certified copy of an immediately enforceable judgment or arbitral award pay (a) to the Seller from the Escrow Account the amount awarded (if any) to the Seller and due by the Purchaser (up to a maximum amount equal to the balance (if any) of the Escrow Account (excluding interest accrued)) pursuant to such judgment or arbitral award and (b) to the Purchaser the balance (if any) of the Escrow Account (including interest accrued).
(2) the Escrow Agent shall pay to the Seller the amount held in escrow (with the exception of an amount of EUR 10 million) upon presentation by the Seller to the Escrow Agent (with a copy being simultaneously given to the Purchaser) of a certified copy of the instrument evidencing transfer of title to the Purchaser in compliance with the laws of the State of Registration of the Converted Aircraft, duly executed by the Seller, unless the Purchaser has previously given a notice to the Escrow Agent (with a copy simultaneously given to the Seller) stating that the Purchaser has initiated arbitration or legal proceedings in accordance with Clause 20 of the Aircraft Sale and Conversion Agreement;
(3) the Escrow Agent shall pay to the Seller the balance of the amount held in escrow (less an amount of EUR 5 million) on the thirtieth day after the date of the payment referred to under par. 2 unless the Purchaser has previously given a notice to the Escrow Agent (with a copy simultaneously given to the Seller) stating that the Purchaser has initiated arbitration or legal proceedings in accordance with Clause 20 of the Aircraft Sale and Conversion Agreement;
(4) the Escrow Agent shall pay to the Seller the entire balance of the amount held in escrow (excluding interest accrued) on the hundred and eightieth (180th) day after the Delivery Date unless the Purchaser has previously given a notice to the Escrow Agent (with a copy simultaneously given to the Seller) stating that the Purchaser has initiated arbitration or legal proceedings in accordance with Clause 20 of the Aircraft Sale and Conversion Agreement;
(5) if the Purchaser has initiated arbitration or legal proceedings against the Seller as referred to in par. 2, par. 3 or par. 4 above, the Escrow Agent shall upon presentation to it by the Purchaser or the Seller of a certified copy of an immediately enforceable judgment or arbitral award pay (a) to the Purchaser from the Escrow Account the amount awarded (if any) to the Purchaser and due by the Seller (up to a maximum amount equal to the balance (if any) of the Escrow Account (including interest accrued)) pursuant to such judgment or arbitral award and (b) to the Seller the balance (if any) of the Escrow Account (including interest accrued
(6) all costs connected with the Escrow Agreement (including the fees and expenses of the Escrow Agent) shall be for the Seller’s account. The terms and conditions of the Escrow Agreement must be acceptable to the Seller, the Purchaser and the Escrow Agent. If the parties can agree on the terms and conditions of the Escrow Agreement, the Aircraft Sale and Conversion Agreement will be amended accordingly.If a Tenderer chooses to provide the Bank Guarantee, the Tenderer must submit an Issuing Bank Commitment Letter fully in accordance with the template included in Appendix I.1 (Template Issuing Bank Commitment Letter) to the RFP, signed by a duly authorised representative of an Eligible Bank, pursuant whereto that Eligible Bank commits, subject only to credit approval, to issue, not later than on the date of the Agreement, the Bank Guarantee. If a Tenderer chooses to enter into the Escrow Agreement, the Tenderer must submit a Financial Standing Letter fully in accordance with the template included in Appendix I.2 (Template Financial Standing Letter) to the RFP, signed by a duly authorised representative of an Eligible Bank.
(7) such Escrow Agreement will be entered into prior to or on the same date as the execution date of the Aircraft Sale and Conversion Agreement. Please also refer to the response to Question 63 of this Information Memorandum; and
(8) ABN AMRO BANK N.V. will act as escrow agent.A new Appendix I.2 (Template Financial Standing Letter) to the RfP is attached to this Information Memorandum. Also, a new Appendix I.3 (Principles of Escrow Agreement) to the RfP is attached to this Information Memorandum setting out the principles of the Escrow Agreement, as provided above. In addition, an amended Appendix E (Template tender submission form) to the RfP is attached to this Information Memorandum including a new item M. pursuant to which a Tenderer must express its choice for the Bank Guarantee or the Escrow Agreement.
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